A - (1) About (general,
A - (2) Almost
(general, condition)
A0 - 841 x 1189 mm /
33.1 x 46.8 in (A series paper size)
A1 - (1) 594 x 841 mm /
23.4 x 33.1 in (A series paper size)
A1 - (2) [perfect] (condition, as good as can
be for its type/age)
A2 - 420 x 594 mm /
16.5 x 23.4 in (A series paper size)
A3 - (1) 297 x 420 mm /
11.7 x 16.5 in (A series paper size)
A3 - (2) Alpha Trion (Transformers character)
A4 - 210 x 297 mm / 8.3
x 11.7 in (A series paper size)
A5 - 148 x 210 mm / 5.8
x 8.3 in (A series paper size)
A6 - 105 x 148 mm / 4.1
x 5.8 in (A series paper size)
A7 - 74 x 105 mm / 2.9
x 4.1 in (A series paper size)
A8 - 52 x 74 mm / 2.0 x
2.9 in (A series paper size)
A9 - 37 x 52 mm / 1.5 x
2.0 in (A series paper size)
A10 - 26 x 37 mm / 1.0 x
1.5 in (A series paper size)
A+ - [very good]
(condition, above average for its type/age)
AA - (1) African-American
(action figure skin-type, as opposed to and see also; CA)
AA - (2) Animal
Artistry (model horse collecting/collectors)
AA - (3) Anti-Aircraft
(war gaming - from the military)
AA - (4) Artificer
Armour (Warhammer Space-Marines)
A&A - Armorum and Aquila [Miniatures]
(bastardised Latin; 'Arms and Flags', figure manufacturer)
AAA - Anti-Aircraft
Artillery (war gaming - from the military)
AAP - Arms [and] Armour
Press (publisher; A&AP on
A&AP - Arms and Armour
Press (publisher, tends to be written; AAP)
AAR - (1) After Action
Report (war gaming)
AAR - (2) Association
[of] American Railroads
AAT - Armored Assault
Tank (Star Wars vehicle)
AB - (1) Action Boy (Captain Action character)
AB - (2) Army Book (war gaming)
AB - (3) Army Builder (common
AB - (4) Aurora Borealis
(jewellery, auction descriptions)
ABC - (1) Aluminium, Brass and
Chrome [or Composite/ion] (radio-controlled engine type, see also ABL and ABN)
- (2) Asian Best Collection (die-casting toy maker)
AB Eye - Air-brushed Eyes (My Little Pony)
ABG - Alt, Beck [und] Gottschalck (porcelain
and composition toy maker)
ABiA - Aura Battler in Action (toy line)
ABJD - Asian Ball-Jointed Doll
ABL - Advanced Bi-metallic Liner
(radio-controlled engine type, form of ABN,
see also; ABC)
ABM - Automatic Bottle
[making/manufacturing/moulding] Machine (bottles, glassware, jars)
ABN - Aluminium, Brass [and] Nickel
(radio-controlled engine type, see also;
ABC and ABL)
ABNC - American Bank Note Company
(numismatics, stamps)
ABS - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene
(plastic polymer)
ABY - After [the] Battle [of] Yavin
(Star Wars, see also; BBY and BY)
AC - (1) Alternating Current
(model railways, radio-control, slot racing, electrics, see also; AC/DC and DC)
AC - (2) Assault Cannon (gaming)
AC - (3) Armoured Company (gaming)
AC - (4) Aspiring Champion (Warhammer Chaos)
AC - (5) Autocannon (gaming)
ACC - Accessory (also; Accy.)
Acc. - Accumulation (postage stamps)
Access. - Accessories (also; Accs.)
Accs. - Accessories (also; Access.)
Accy. - Accessory (also; ACC)
AC/DC - Alternating Current / Direct Current
(model railways, radio-control, slot racing, electrics, see also; AC and DC)
Acédo - ACEtate DOmage (plastics
subsidiary of figure maker Domage et Cie
(DC), see also; Aludo)
ACEO - Art Cards, Editions [and]
Originals (miniature artworks on 3.5 inch by 2.5 inch - playing card sized -
cards, see also; ATC, OSWOA and SFA)
A-Cert - A [level] Certificate
(radio-control, BMFA certification,
entry level, see also B-Cert and C-Cert)
ACL - Applied Colour Label
(bottles, glassware, jars)
A Class. - Advanced Classification (slot
racing, see also; B Class.)
ACT - Anti-Crash Technology
ACTA - A Call to Arms (figure
ACTS - Automated Card Tracking
System (gaming system)
ACW - American Civil War
AD - Anthony Daniels (Star Wars actor who plays C-3P0)
Ad. - Advertisement
ADB - Amarillo Design Bureau (board
games manufacturer)
Addr. - (1) Address (General)
Addr. - (2) Addressed (Philately)
ADDY - Address (specifically: eMail
address, chat rooms, forums, message boards, US)
ADG - Australian Design Group
(games publisher)
Adm. - [Postal] Admininstration
Admin. - [Postal] Admininstration
Adv. - Adventure (subject matter,
books or movies)
ADV - Advertisement / Advertise
AE - American Eagle (coins)
AEC - Armada, Energon [and]
Cybertron (Transformers characters)
AECP - Anniversary Edition
Collectors Pose (My Little Pony 25th
anniversary re-issues)
AF - (1) Action Figures
AF - (2) Armoured Fist (Warhammer Imperial Guard)
a.f. - Aquaforti (Latin: nitric acid, used to etch metal plates, denotes a
print is an etching, see also; aq.)
AFA - Action Figure Authority
(independent grading (for a price) company, self-appointed!)
AFA Cirt. - Action Figure Authority
Certificate [Present]
AFAIK - As Far as I Know (Internet, chat
rooms, forums, message boards, online)
AFCEF - Association des Figurinistes
et Collectionneurs de Figurines del l'Est de la France (French Association of
Flat Figurine Collectors)
AFD - Action Figure Digest
AFFA - Austin Friends [of] Folk Art
(arts and craft organisation, Texas, USA)
AFK - Away from Keyboard
(chatrooms, forums, message boards)
AFOL - Adult Fan of Lego (see also; ALE and ALH)
AFR - Adjustable Function Rate
(radio-control, see also; ATV)
Aft. - After (following the form, style
or pattern of...)
AFV/s - Armoured Fighting Vehicle/s
Afx. - Airfix (model kit and toy
soldier manufacturer)
AG - (1) About Good (condition,
AG - (2) Adrenal Glands (Warhammer Tyranids)
- Silver (element, coins)
- Agency
- Actual Gold Weight (antiques, coins, jewellery, auction listings)
AGYL - Adults get Younger Later (see
also; KGOY)
- (1) All Human (fan fiction where super heroes are portrayed as humans)
AH - (2) Avalon Hill [Gaming Co.] (games
manufacturer, see also; TAHGC)
AHI - Azrak Hamway International (general
toy importer and manufacturer)
AHM - (1) All Hail Megatron (Transformers story line)
AHM - (2) Associated Hobby
Manufacturers (general toy and hobby manufacturer/importer, continued as; IHC)
AH / SI - Avalon Hill - Sports
Illustrated (sports games publishing arm of AH)
AI - Artificial Intelligence
(gaming, general and licensed movie title)
AIC - Adult [fans of Lego] Inner Circle (company testing /
feedback / focus-group)
AILE / Aile. - Ailerons (model aircraft)
AiP / AIP - Armies in Plastic (plastic figure
AIR - [by or of...] Air Mail
(postage stamps)
AITH - Am I The Asshole? (Eng.; Arsehole, Internet, chat
rooms, forums, message boards, online, specifically; a sub-Reddit group/page 'AmItheAsshole' on the Reddit platform, see also; YTA)
AJHS - American Jewish Historical
AKA - Also Known As (Internet, chat
rooms, forums, message boards, online)
AL - (1) Alpha Legion (Warhammer Chaos)
AL - (2) Auction Listing
ALE - Adult Lego Hobbyist (see
also; AFOL and ALH)
ALH - Adult Fan of Lego (see also; AFOL and ALE)
ALO - Alexander Olajos (toy maker)
Aludo - ALUminium DOmage (aluminium
subsidiary of French figure maker Domage
et Cie (DC), see also; Acédo)
Alum. - Aluminium (metal)
Alum/W - Aluminium Wheels (model cars,
AM - (1) Academy-Minicraft (merged
AM - (2) Action Man (Hasbro's GI Joe licence produced for the
UK by Palitoy)
AM - (3) Action Master (Transformers)
AM - (4) Almost Mint (condition)
AM - (5) Amplitude Modulation
AM - (6) Arms Micron (Transformers)
AM - (7) Automorph (Transformers character)
AMA - (1) Ask Me Anything (chat rooms, forums, message boards)
AMA - (1) Ask Me Anything (chat rooms, forums, message boards)
AMA - (2) [The] Academy [of] Model
Aeronautics (official national body for model aviation in the US)
AMEX / Amex. - American Express (payment
Andy. - Andalusian [Horse] (model
animal collectors)
Ani. - (1) Animal/s
Ani. - (2) Animated / Animation
(cartoons, characters, movies; as opposed to live action; LAM)
Amex. - American Express (payment
method, also; AMX
AML - Associazione Modellistica Legione (1:6th scale
figure manufacturer)
AMT - All Moving Tail
(radio-controlled aircraft)
AMV/'s - Anime Music Video/s
AMYA - American Model Yachting Association
(hobby body)
AMX - American Express (payment
method, also; Amex.)
AN - Author's Note (publishing,
fan fiction)
ANA - American Numismatic
Association (see also; ANS)
ANACS - American Numismatic
Association Certification Service
ANH - A New Hope (Star Wars licensed characters; Episode
IV originally titled 'Star Wars'; SW)
Anil. - Anline (philately/printing;
ANN - Axiom Nexus News (Transformers)
Anniv. - Anniversary
ANS - American Numismatic Society
(see also; ANA)
Anth. - Anthology (collection,
usually of short stories or poetry; books, magazines)
AO / A/O - All Original (condition)
AOA - Angle of Attack
(radio-controlled aircraft)
AoBR - Assault on Black Reach
(gaming game / scenario)
AOC - Agents of Chaos (Star Wars novel duology)
AOE - Age of Extinction (Transformers)
AoF - Acts of Faith (Warhammer Inquisition)
AOI - Angle of Incidence
(radio-controlled aircraft)
AOL - America Online (all but
defunct Internet service provider (ISP)
and web-space)
AOME - Armies of Middle Earth
(Tolkein's world toy-line from Play Along Toys)
AOP - All-over Pattern
AOTC - Attack of the Clones (Star Wars, Episode II)
AP - (1) Analysis Paralysis
AP - (2) Artists Proof (books,
posters, prints, see also; EA, HC, PP and TP)
Ap. - Apple (colour, stamps)
APBA - American Power Boat Association
(hobby body)
APC - Armoured Personnel Carrier
(war gaming - from the military)
APE - Advanced Primate
Entertainment (manufacturer)
APH - American Prototype Hobbies (white
metal manufacturer)
API (1) - American Petroleum
Institute (organisation)
API (2) - Application Programming
Interface (computing)
APM - American Precision Models (model
APO - Army Post Office (Philately,
US equivalent of BFPO)
App. - (1) Application (computing)
App. - (2) Appaloosa [Horse] (model
animal collectors, also; Appy.)
Approx. - Approximately
Appy. -
Appaloosa [Horse] (model animal collectors, also; App.)
Aprx. -
American Philatelic Society
Apx. -
aq. - Aquaforti (Latin: nitric acid, used to etch metal plates, denotes a
print is an etching, see also; a.f.)
Aqua. - Aquamarine (colour, stamps)
AR - (1) Alternate Reality (Star Wars, sci-fi, gaming, fan fiction
&etc...see also; AT & AU)
AR - (2) Artist Resin (Breyer horses)
ARC - (1) Advance/d Reader/'s Copy
(books, magazines)
ARC - (2) Almost Ready [to] Crash
(radio-control, wobbling...)
ARCO - A Rosenberg Company (toy
importer purchaed by Mattel to handle
their Hong Kong arm)
Arco's. - Arco-flagellants (Warhammer Inquisition)
ARF - Almost Ready [to] Fly
(radio-control, toy, usually powered, that requires minimal construction or
additional components, see also; ARR, ARTR, BNF, PNP, RTF and RTR)
ARG - Alternate Reality Game
Argie / Argy - Argentinean (origin)
Arm. - Armada (Transformers toy line)
ARR - Almost Ready [to] Run
(radio-control, slot racing, toy, usually powered, that requires minimal
construction or additional components, see also; ARF, ARTR, BNF, PNP, RTF and RTR)
ARSE - Accurately Realized Scale [railway]
Engines (Lego)
ARTR - Almost Ready to Run
(radio-control, toy, usually powered, that requires minimal construction or
additional components, see also; ARF, ARR, BNF, PNP, RTF and RTR)
ASTRA - American Specialty Toy
Retailing Association
AS - Anakin Solo (Star Wars character)
AS - (1) Armour Save (gaming)
AS - (2) Assault Squad (gaming)
ASA - (1) America Society [of]
ASA - (2) As Soon As (chat rooms,
forums, message boards)
ASAFP - As Soon as Fucking Possible (derogatory,
Internet, chat rooms, forums, message boards, on-line)
ASAP - As Soon as Possible (chat
rooms, forums, message boards)
ASB - (1) Ak-Sar-Ben [Hobby
Company] (US Model railroad manufacturer)
ASB - (2) American Saddle-bred
[Horse] (Breyer horses, model animal
ASC - Aoshin Shoten Company [Ltd.] (Japanese
tin-plate and toy manufacturer)
ASDA - American Stamp Dealers
ASE - American Silver Eagle (dollar
coin, sometimes just; SE)
ASH - Australian Stock Horse
[Horse] (model animal collectors)
ASHF - Action Stock Horse Foal (Breyer horses)
ASIN - Amazon Standard
Identification Number (Amazon.com's inventory/stock control system)
'As is' - [Item sold] as [it] is [seen]
(auctions, signifies no returns, buyer beware!)
ASL - Advanced Squad Leader (board
game, see also SL)
ASLSK - Advanced Squad Leader Starter
Kit (board game)
Asp. - Aspirant / Aspiring [champion]
(Warhammer Chaos)
Assoc. - Association
ASSR - Autonomous Soviet Socialist
ASST - Assortment (stock code
AST - Assortment (stock code
ASTM - American Society [for]
Testing [and] Materials
ASTRAC - Automatic Simultaneous Train
Control (model railways, US)
ASW - Actual Silver Weight
(antiques, coins, jewellery, auction listings)
AT - (1) Adventure Team (GI Joe)
AT - (2) Almost Trash (condition)
AT - (3) Alpha Trion (Transformers character)
AT - (4) Alternate Timeline (Star Wars, sci-fi, gaming, fan fiction
&etc...See also; AR & AU)
AT - (5) Anti-Tank (Warhammer, war
gaming, from the military)
AT - (6) Astrotrain (Transformers
AT-AT - All Terrain Armoured
Transport (Star Wars vehicle)
ATC - (1) Artist Trading Card
(miniature artworks on 3.5 inch by 2.5 inch - playing card sized - cards, see
also; ACEO, OSWOA and SFA)
ATC - (2) Asahi Toy Company (Japanese
ATG - Alt.Toys.Gi-Joe (on-line newsgroup)
ATHQ - (1) Adventure Team
Headquarters (GI Joe line)
ATHQ - (2) Adventure Team
Headquarters (GI Joe mailing list)
ATL - (1) Adjustable Trim Low-side
[only] (radio-control)
ATL / Atl. - (2) Atlantic (Italian general
toy and figure manufacturer)
ATM - At the Moment (Internet, chat
rooms, forums, message boards)
ATS - (1) American Toy Soldiers (US
plastic figure manufacturer)
ATS - (2) Auction Technology
Specialist (US professional designation)
ATS - (3) Automatic Tail System (radio-control)
ATSKNF - And They Shall Know No Fear
(Warhammer Space-Marines)
AT-ST - All Terrain Scout
Transport (Star Wars
AT-TE - All Terrain Tactical
Enforcer (Star Wars
- Advanced Teaching Technology In
Classrooms (an offshoot produces 1:48th scale resin aircraft models)
- (1) Adjustable Travel Volume (radio-controlled servo feature, see also AFR, ATV/EPA and EPA)
ATV - (2) All Terrain Vehicle
ATV - (3) Anglia Television (major
UK licenser of children's characters in the 1960/70's)
ATV/EPA - Adjustable Travel Volume
[and/or] End Point Adjustment (radio-controlled servo feature, see also ATV and EPA)
- (1) About / Almost Uncirculated (coin or note, as; Near Mint, also; A
AU - (2) Alternate Universe (Star Wars, sci-fi, gaming, fan fiction
&etc...See also; AR & AT)
AUD - Australian Dollars (currency,
A/Unc. - About / Almost
Uncirculated (coin or note, as; Near Mint, also; AU)
Aussie - Australian (origin)
Auto. - (1) Autographed (condition)
Auto. - (2) Autorotation
(radio-controlled helicopters, powerless decent and landing)
Auto. - (3) Automatic (general)
AV - Armour Value/s (gaming)
Av. - Average (condition, stamps;
less than fine)
AVCS - Angular Vector Control
System/Servo (radio-controlled helicopters, also; HH)
- Average (condition, stamps; less than fine)
AVIDS / Avids - Approaching [adulthood], Video [-driven], Influence [aware] Digital [-native], (young people in the 16-20 age bracket, term coined late 2018)
AVIDS / Avids - Approaching [adulthood], Video [-driven], Influence [aware] Digital [-native], (young people in the 16-20 age bracket, term coined late 2018)
AVP - Ask Vector Prime (Transformers)
AVP- Avalanche Press (games manufacturer)
AWD - All-wheel/ed Drive / All
Wheels Driven
Az. - Azure (colour, stamps)
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