ADM-Modelle are reprted (V. Rudick) to be the originators of the ADM figures listed below
ADM are a brand of re-packed LW figures offered by the online hobby store Fuhrmann-Tiguren
Details for Fuhrmann-Tiguren
Postfach 1222 Deutshland D-18262 Gustrow,
An ADM seem to have sold re-packed
LW figures as in-house product available from Fuhrmann-Tiguren, see LW listing for fuller range, sets came in a
click-shut bag with a descriptive sheet, may actually have been the (and see also) PB-Toys repacks, but equally; are the same as (and see also) AdP listing?
(known Sets)
Best.-Nr.:adm 700l - Flugdeinstpersonal Sowjetische Luftstreitkréifte (Soviet Pilots and
Best.-Nr.:adm 7032 - Sowjetische Infanterie mit Panzerbuchse PTRS-4l2 und DSchK l2,7mm 1945
(Soviets with anti-tank rifle and heavy machinegun, 6 figures)
Best.-Nr.:adm 7038 - Russiche Infanterie Moderne russ. Infanterie mit SMG l2,7mm und Femrohr
(modern Soviets with HMG and telescope on tripod, 5 figures)
Best.-Nr.:adm 7039 - Moderne Russiche Infanterie mit Leichtgeschütz und Panzerabwehrrakete
(modern Soviets with recoilless rifle and ATGW launcher, 6 figures)
Best.-Nr.:adm 7108 - Mujahedin (Afghanistan
1980's, 10 figures and gun)
Best.-Nr.:adm 18741 Französiche und deutsche Piloten Erster Weltkrieg (French and German pilots, WWI, 12 figures)
What This Entry Needs*
Clarification of the various ADM's
Source of the figures discussed
Further listings of original product
Further contact details for all ADM's
Role of Fuhrmann-Tiguren
*Entry made be split at some point